Saturday, May 14, 2011

Camp III

Wes and Curtis climbed to Camp III yesterday. It is at about 11,000 feet. There are about 30 other people at this camp.

Today they down climbed to about 10,000 feet to retrieve their cache. It took about 30 minutes to get there and about an hour and twenty minutes to climb back up to Camp III. On the way back up they passed Ed Viesturs coming down. Wes didn't realize it was him until after they had passed him. For those of you not familiar with Ed Viesturs, he is the first American to have climbed all 14 peaks above 8,000 meters without supplemental oxygen. It was an exciting moment for the guys.

Tonight it is burritos for dinner. The weather is pretty nice right now. Wes said there are some low clouds coming up through the valley. They can see Mt. Foraker in the distance and the Kahiltna Dome.

Wes and Curtis are both feeling good. Keeping hydrated. Wes said he got a huge blister on his left foot the very first day they were climbing but he has it all wrapped up so it should be fine now. Yesterday Wes was making his freeze dried dinner and was keeping it warm inside his jacket when the packet spilled and he ended up with most of his dinner down his pants!

The plan for tomorrow is to climb up to Windy Corner and then head for about 14,000 feet to make another cache. They will then go back to Camp III for another night. On Monday if they are feeling good and the weather is right they plan to climb to their next camp which should be Medical Base Camp at around 14,500.

Wes said any comments or questions are welcome!


Valorie and Don said...

Glad to know things are going well. WOW!!! a blister, has to be kind of scary... can ruin a climb. Love, Mama & Dad

Corey Fitzgerald said...

I'm Jealous! How is the German doing that got sick at 10k?


Anonymous said...

I am curious how dinner was with it in your pants?! I am glad to hear things are going well, and sounds like y'all are making great progress. Sean and Jillian are cheering for their uncle and we can't wait to see you soon.

Unknown said...

Go get 'em Wes! Sounds like you are making steady progress on the climb plan.